慶應義塾大学理工学部 情報工学科


9月8日14:00-セミナールーム1で英国Imperial Collegeの吉田展子教授による特別講演が行われます。皆様のご聴講をお待ちしています

Multiparty Session Types and their Applications


Abstract: In this talk, I give a summary of our recent research developments on multiparty session types for verifying distributed and concurrent programs, and our collaborations with industry partners and a major, long-term, NSF-funded project (Ocean Observatories Initiatives) to provide an ultra large-scale cyberinfrustracture (OOI CI) for 25-30 years of sustained ocean measurements to study climate variability, ocean circulation and ecosystem dynamics. I shall first talk how Robin Milner, Kohei Honda and Yoshida started collaborations with industry to develop a web service protocol description language called Scribble and discovered the theory of multiparty session types through the collaborations. I then talk about the recent developments in Scribble and the runtime session monitoring framework used in the OOI CI. Finally I summarise our recent other results on Multiparty Session Types.